Types of Compensation for Police Claims

At TDP Solicitors, our team of skilled solicitors are experienced in dealing with police misconduct claims. Our vast knowledge and expertise ensure you will get the justice you deserve. To speak to a member of our team about police misconduct claims, please contact us at 0151 242 5111.

What is police misconduct?

Police misconduct refers to a situation whereby a police officer breaches the standards of professional behaviour set out by the Metropolitan Police. Examples of police misconduct include false imprisonment, wrongful arrest, sexual misconduct and police battery and assault. If you have experienced police misconduct, you may be eligible for compensation. 

Types of compensation for police claims

There are several types of compensation for police claims. However, the amount of compensation you will be rewarded depends on the circumstances of the case and the extent of evidence you have provided. The following list gives examples of the different categories of compensation. 

General damages

General damages are a type of compensation you can claim for the physical and/or psychiatric injury you have suffered due to police misconduct. The amount of general damages you could be eligible for depends on the case and the severity of your injury. 

Special damages 

Special damages refer to any additional costs you have incurred as a result of the police misconduct. For example, if you have been out of work because of the incident, you may be able to claim loss of earnings as part of your special damages claim. Additionally, if you have acquired medical bills, travel costs or any other further costs relating to the police misconduct, you can claim special damages. 

Similar to general damages, the amount you could receive depends on the circumstances of the case. You should also gather evidence to support your special damages claim, such as prescriptions and travel receipts. 

What to do next

You must instruct an experienced solicitor to help you claim compensation for police misconduct. If you want to discuss taking civil action against the police, or to find out more about the different types of compensation for police claims, please contact us at TDP Solicitors at 0151 242 5111

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