
Investigation into Police Misconduct After Death of Dylan McEwan

What happened to Dylan McEwan? Last June, a 24-year-old man named Dylan McEwan, also known as Dylan Smith, died shortly after an encounter with a Lancashire PC.  The Blackpool PC who made contact with Dylan McEwan will face a misconduct hearing after an inquest into the 24-year-old’s tragic death was adjourned pending the outcome of… Read more »

Former PC Alexander Alderson Barred for Police Misconduct

A former Avon and Somerset PC Alexander Alderson has been barred from the profession after a misconduct hearing was held for breaching the code of conduct set out for police officers.  Alexander Alderson had sex with a woman who he knew was vulnerable and bragged about other affairs. The woman, referred to in the hearing… Read more »

What Constitutes a Police Breach of Human Rights?

Every human has the right to freedom, the right to life, and the right to freedom from torture and inhumane treatment according to the Human Rights Act 1998  however you might experience a breach of human rights. While the police have a duty to treat people according to the Act, this is not always the… Read more »

What You Need To Know About Racial Profiling By The Police

What is racial profiling?  Racial profiling is suspecting that someone has committed a criminal offence based on ethnicity, nationality or religion rather than available evidence. The Equality Act of 2010 states that any discrimination is unlawful; if you experience racial profiling by the police, you can take action against them.  Examples of racial profiling  Police… Read more »

Different Types of Child Abuse & What To Look Out For

Young boy with cut on face

What is child abuse?  Whilst there is no legal definition, the court understands child abuse as any action that seeks to deliberately harm children or put them in danger. Child abuse can be physical or non-physical and can cause children to experience both emotional and physical pain. There are different types of child abuse; child… Read more »

5 Accidents At Work That You Can Claim Compensation For

Who can make an accident at work claim? If you have been injured at work and it wasn’t your fault, you could be entitled to work injury compensation. Suffering an injury at work can mean taking time off to recover which can be both stressful and expensive. Most people rely on their income, and being… Read more »

What Information to Prepare for a Solid Personal Injury Claim

Am I eligible to make a personal injury claim? If you were injured in an accident and are not at fault, you might be eligible for compensation. With personal injury claims, the injured party takes legal action against the other party responsible for the accident. In most cases, the compensation money is paid out from… Read more »

E-Scooter Injuries – Can I make a claim?

Why have I seen so many E-scooters recently? You may have seen a recent abundance of electric scooters (commonly referred to as E-scooters) infiltrating public spaces nationwide. The reason for this mass influx of E-scooters is down to various trials taking place across the UK. E-scooters provide an eco-friendly travel alternative to cars and motorbikes… Read more »

How Long Do Personal Injury Claims Take To Resolve?

Often, personal injury claims take a substantial amount of time to fully resolve; doing some research might help you understand the typical timeline of a claim and how long you should expect to wait before receiving compensation. With personal injury claims, the length of time depends on the severity of injuries and the number of… Read more »

Child Safety Online: Information & Actionable Tips

The internet exists as a great form of modern communication; you can connect with people from all over the world, play games and learn about pretty much anything you want with a click of a button. However, the internet also comes with its risks. According to Ofcom’s research, data has demonstrated that 86% of 3-4… Read more »